END OF THE SUMMER SEPTEMBER SPECIAL $400 a Boat up to 4 people
Today was my first trip back on the water after hurricane Issac came through here. I had Dr Bryant and his son Bryant Jr on there second trip this year with me . We caught our limit of reds for 9am and then caught a bunch more that we released to catch another day. The red fish were between 20″-29″ and hungry. New Orleans fishing is usually very good after a hurricane and today proved that again. I am running a SEPTEMPER SPECIAL $400 for 1-4 people that’s up to a $125 savings . The fishing is good so give me a call to book your fishing trip today and “COME FISH A NAWLINS GOOD TIME”. 504-416-5896 captjasonshilling@yahoo.com www.neworleansstylefishingcharters.com www.captjasonshilling.com
Well it was a wet weekend fishing in New Orleans, but that doesn’t stop Louisiana fishing guides. The rain turned some of the customers around but the ones who decided to stick it out and fish did well. The fishing Friday and Saturday was good till the rain came at noon both days. Fishing in area that had some camps close by we were able to get out the rain till they passed . I’ve fished a different area this weekend due to the weather so I changed my tactic up a lil . We were fishing with blk/chart baby bull minnow on a 1/4 oz jig head . Friday we had 10 reds and 7 bass, Saturday we had 15 reds and 10 bass today I took my son and wife for a lil while and my son was able to catch his first red fish It wasn’t a monster red but a 17″red fish to a 3 yr old is a monster. I’m back on the water tomorrow and Tuesday. Looking for Louisiana fishing charters? If you’d like to “COME FISH A NAWLINS GOOD TIME ” give me a call for questions or to book a trip.
Capt Jason Shilling 504-416-5896 captjasonshilling@yahoo.com
Well despite the weather and the fish not cooperating I had a grand time this weekend with my customers. Saturday the wind blew 30+ and stormy it had everything muddied up and the fish stirred up, same goes for Sunday with just a lil less wind . I don’t like posting reports like this but the fact are the facts it was a tough couple of days . Both days we caught fish just not the quality of fish that we have been catching. All trips cant be cherry ,With good customers we still had a good time on the water . Fathers day was nice I had all the In laws over for a late lunch and a lil family time . Ill be back on the water Thursday and looking to have some nice cooperative weather and fish to boot. “COME FISH A NAWLINS GOOD TIME “with New Orleans Style fishing Charters and Capt Jason Shilling
After being down for a week I’m back on the water and it feel good to be back on the boat. Thanks to Capt Roy for helping while I was down. Taking care of my customers and catching fish. Last day the Iowa guys wanted to fish trout. With a bunch of lil trout biting they decided to go back after the reds. Wise choose cause they smoked em. Saturday I had Mr. Chase and 9 of his buddies in for a good day of fishing. Still unable to fish I wanna Thank Capt Donovan, Capt Roy, And Capt Austin for helping me with them guys and catching a bunch of reds. They had a grand time. Fishing New Orleans is a lot of fun and this city has so many other things to do as well. A good friend of mine Mr Johnny, his son Steve and their friend Mr Roy were in town for the Jazz Festival and decided to come fish Sunday. The morning looked promising with bird diving and shrimp popping the trout were on. A Lot of school trout but lots of action. After moving around a lil we got into some good trout. Wouldn’t ya know it, a water spout and weather building, time to head north for some reds. After running from the ran we ended the day with 24 trout and 11 nice red fish.(and stayed dry). Monday I had the pleasure of fishing Mr Tab, his son Wade, and their friend Mr Andy. The bite was a lil slow but we ended up with our limit of red fish in the ice chest and back at the dock before the rain came. The red fish have been between 16-25 ” Fishing has been good and I don’t expect it to do anything but get better. May is a very good month to fish in New Orleans. I wanna thank every one that has fished with New Orleans Style Fishing Charters this week and I look forward to seeing y’all again soon. I’m back on the water Thursday and will be posting a report. If you would like to get in on the action “COME FISH A NAWLINS GOOD TIME” with one of the best New Orleans fishing guides, Capt Jason Shilling and New Orleans Style Fishing Charters. Call or email to book a trip.
Today I had the pleasure of fishing with Mr. Mark and his son Matt from Alberta Canada. This would be there first red fishing trip and the first fish we caught was an 8lb red fish . Nice way to start the trip. As the day went on the bite was slow with 9 keeper reds 3 bass ,3 trout and a lot of 15″ red fish that were just under size we had a fun day on the water . With a 15 mph SE and 80 degrees it was a nice day to be fishing. “COME FISH A NAWLINS GOOD TIME ” with Capt Jason Shilling and New Orleans Style Fishing Charters 504-416-5896
April has been a windy month down here in Lafitte ,La , but we are catching red fish and some trout ,where we find the cleaner water. The red fish have been biting pretty good here the last week . The reds have been a variety of sizes from 14″-32″ and the trout have been 14″-18″ on average. I wanna thank everybody I have fished in the last week its been a really fun week. Mr. Bob ,his son Alex and daughter Gabby from Baton Rough ,La 4/16. Mr Graham from Wissconson 4/18, Mr. Howard and Mrs. Cathy from Pennsylvania 4/20 , Mr Wayne ,Mrs. Nancy, and their daughter Ashley from Georgia 4/22 Mr. Ben and his wife Mrs Katy from Alabama 4/23-24 . It was my pleasure to meet and fish with y’all. I’m back on the
water tuesday.
OK I have been a little busy here and haven’t been able to keep up with my reports so I’m gonna give ya a run down of whats been going on.Ive been fishing a bunch with new and repeate customers. The fishing has been good weather permitting . The wind mostly seems like the wind just don’t wanna stop ,but we have been still able to catch some nice specks and reds . I wanna thank Mrs Nikki, Mr, Ted ,and Mr Jeff for the fun day of fishing on 4/3/11. Mr Nick ,Mrs. Dee, and Mr Steve on 4/7/11. Ean , Lowe, and Brett on 4/8/11. Mrs. Star, Mrs Angie ,Mr. Trent , and Mr. Tray from Slidell on 4/9/11 and KC, Josh, JT ,and Dough on 4/10/11. Sorry this report isn’t in detail like I usually do . The trout have been in the 16-20″ range and the reds have been 16-27″range we have been fishing in the bays , lakes and canals . I haven’t been able to get out to the pass for the big bull reds lately due to the wind but I am looking forward to getting back out there and hearing the drag scream . COME FISH A NAWLINS GOOD TIME with NEW ORLEANS STYLE FISHING CHARTERS
Today was a good day of fishing . I headed out with light winds and the temps in the 60’s . When I reached the bay the birds were diving and the trout were under em. I had Mr. Brad and his son Tyler from Tennessee fishing with me today. Who were some good guys and good fisherman. After chasing the birds till 9 am we had 77 trout and went look for some reds . At first we caught a few nice drum and some small reds but later found some good reds in the 16-24″ range we caught 17 reds . All the fish were released to be caught another day. I had a great time guys Thanks for the fun day of fishing and I hope to see
y’all again soon.
Today we had to wait back for the weather to pass that was in front of a cold front. Around 11:30 we were able to head out and see how we could do. With the wind picking up and the temps dropping we knew it was gonna be a rough day.,but Mr Dan, Mr Mike, Mr. Chris , and Mr Gary were all ready to give it a shot. We hit quite a few spots with lil luck in most but ended the day with a mixed bag of 10 fish .(red fish ,drum ,sheep head ,flounders and catfish) the only thing we didn’t catch was a speckle trout. We did catch a few fish that were just under the size limit so that’s a good sign for the months to come. Its a lil hard to find fish in those conditions and if you haven’t had a fair day of fishing you just haven’t fished enough . The fishing was slow but we had a good time.Thanks guys for the fun couple of days . I have been fishing mostly new customer and have been enjoying meeting everybody I look forward to seeing y’all again . April I have quite a few people booked who I have fished before and I’m looking forward to fishing with them again. Thanks to all who COME FISH A NAWLINS GOOD TIME.