April has been a windy month down here in Lafitte ,La , but we are catching red fish and some trout ,where we find the cleaner water. The red fish have been biting pretty good here the last week . The reds have been a variety of sizes from 14″-32″ and the trout have been 14″-18″ on average. I wanna thank everybody I have fished in the last week its been a really fun week. Mr. Bob ,his son Alex and daughter Gabby from Baton Rough ,La 4/16. Mr Graham from Wissconson 4/18, Mr. Howard and Mrs. Cathy from Pennsylvania 4/20 , Mr Wayne ,Mrs. Nancy, and their daughter Ashley from Georgia 4/22 Mr. Ben and his wife Mrs Katy from Alabama 4/23-24 . It was my pleasure to meet and fish with y’all. I’m back on the
water tuesday.
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